On this page you will find legislation that Councilman Glover has proposed and supports. You will also find links to the legislative text as it is written in Legistar, Baltimore City's website related to tracking legislation.
If you have any ideas for legislation, or if you want to express your opinion about any pending legislation please contact the Councilman below.

21-0031 Landlord-Tenant Lease Renewals
For the purpose of requiring, absent certain good cause circumstances, landlords to offer tenants a reasonable opportunity renew leases; providing for the manner of notice for which a landlord must send renewal notices or decline-to-renew notices; establishing a presumption of offer and acceptance, absent certain circumstances; providing for the effect of the subtitle; providing for certain administrative and criminal penalties; and providing for a special effective date.
Full Text
21-0023 Urban Renewal - Middle East - Amendment
For the purpose of amending the Urban Renewal Plan for Middle East to modify certain land uses allowed in the Plan, to correct, clarify, and conform certain provisions and references in the Plan to those in the current Baltimore City Zoning Code, to replace Appendix B with new Appendix B, to delete Appendix E in its entirety, to remove certain properties from the lists in Appendices A, C, and D and to remove certain other properties located within the Renewal Area; to replace the exhibits with new exhibits to reflect the changes in the Plan, and to modify the boundaries of the Plan to reflect the removal of certain properties, as shown on the new exhibits; waiving certain content and procedural requirements; making the provisions of this Ordinance severable; providing for the application of this Ordinance in conjunction with certain other ordinances; and providing for a special effective date.