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District 13 Spotlight --June 2023

Writer: Devon BrownDevon Brown

SGA Students From Across City Visit City Hall.

On May 18,2023, My office had the privilege and honor to greet and welcome 11 students representing the Associated Student Government for Baltimore City at the Inaugural SGA Day at City Hall. The students, who are members of the SGA at Baltimore City College, Baltimore Polytechnic Institute, Baltimore School for the Arts, Bluford Drew Jemison STEM Academy, Edmondson Westside High School and Western High School - Students participated in a full day meeting their council representatives and leaders of city agencies, and learning how the city operates. They then met in groups to develop strategies to address some of the issues that impact Baltimore and its citizens.

The day ended with a discussion with Council President Nick Mosby before the scholars presented the group project they developed in during their think tank sessions. Afterwards, each student received a certificate of participation and Baltimore flag pins from the Office of the Council President.

45th District Leadership Meeting

On May 24,2023, Councilman Glover joined his colleagues, state elected officials, Commissioner Harrison and BPD Command staff for a leadership meeting to discussion the crime plan for the 45th district. The 45th district leadership team was able to ask the tough questions to Commissioner Harrison to understand what was being done in the district to lower crime and to keep citizens safe.

As Councilman Glover says often “Collectively we can change the trajectory of our


Broadway East Goes Green With Help of T6B and Amazon

On May 25, 2023, #Team13 was out in the community as Councilman Glover stood with T6B and their volunteers as they received $10,000 from Amazon to continue the work of making our communities greener and cleaner.

From their origins as a community service club for veterans, T6B has grown into a 501(c)(3) neighborhood development nonprofit that stewards 20+ acres of green space and provides volunteer and technical support to multiple community groups and schools. They support the communities they serve by combining the qualities of veteran-leadership – teamwork, duty, and love of country – with the guidance of neighborhood leaders and substantial volunteer power. Since their launch, more than 10,000 volunteers have contributed 30,000+ volunteer hours at a value of $1 million to the neighborhoods they serve.

One of the neighborhoods is right here in the District 13th in the Broadway east Community.

“The work they are doing in East Baltimore District 13 by planting trees and growing fresh produce is much needed and appreciated”, Councilman Glover.

City Budget 2023

June 30,2023 marks the end of the fiscal year in Baltimore City and for weeks Councilman Glover has been studying the budget for fiscal year 2024 in preparation for budget hearings which will take place from Tuesday May 30th – June 6th 2023. In the past the council members were only able to debate the Mayor’s budget. This year, the council has more input in order to craft the budget.

Budget hearing sessions for fiscal 2024 can we viewed live on CharmTV: -- or on Comcast Channel 25.

Councilman Glover's First Paint & Sip Event

On May 20th Councilman Glover kicked off his first of many Sip and paints which brought members and community leaders to the Collington Square recreation center for a afternoon

of laughter and fun.

The Collington Rec Center was one of our centers within district 13 that was nonoperational until Councilman Glover saw greater and decided to work with rec and park staff to come to an agreement to open the center up for the community.

Quick Hits

District 13 Step Up To Clean Up:

Starting June 3rd our office will be holding our community clean ups on Saturdays from 9am-1pm. Our first one will be held in the McElderry Park Community. Dumpster will be place at 2 locations:

  • 2600 McElderry Street

  • 500 North Montford Ave

In The News:

Was the first weekend of Baltimore's youth curfew a success?

Weekly recycling will return in 2024, DPW says, if new trucks and crews are ready

Airman Makai Cummings, killed in hit-and-run, honored with dignified transfer ceremony at BWI


For District 13 Crime Stats Visit:




100 N. HOLLIDAY ST, RM 516





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